
100 dangerous viruses detected in China’s fur animals, nearly 40 could affect hu .. Read more at: h

100 dangerous viruses detected in China’s fur animals, nearly 40 could affect hu .. Read more at:

A recently published study has identified 125 viruses circulating in animals from fur farms in China, raising concerns about the risk of these viruses spilling over into human populations. The study, led by Chinese researchers and co-authored by virologist Edward Holmes, has highlighted the urgent need for better virus monitoring on fur farms. The discovery includes 36 previously unknown viruses, with 39 identified as having a "high risk" of crossing species, potentially leading to human infection.

The research, published in the journal Nature, was conducted between 2021 and 2024 and focused on 461 animals that had died from disease. Most of these animals, including minks, foxes, raccoon dogs, rabbits, and muskrats, came from fur farms, with some farmed for food or traditional medicine. The study also included around 50 wild animals. The viruses detected include known pathogens like hepatitis E and Japanese encephalitis, as well as 13 new viruses, highlighting the role of fur farms as potential virus transmission hubs.

Edward Holmes, a virologist who has been actively researching the spread of viruses in animals, expressed his concern over the fur farming industry's role in potentially facilitating virus transmission. Holmes stated, "Personally, I think the fur farming industry globally should be closed down." He has been a strong advocate for heightened surveillance and action to prevent future outbreaks.

One of the viruses identified in the study was the "Pipistrellus bat HKU5-like virus," which had p ..The study's findings emphasize the potential for fur farms to act as conduits for virus transmission between animals and humans. The researchers found evidence of several types of bird flu in animals like guinea pigs, minks, and muskrats. The team also detected seven types of coronaviruses in these animals, although none were closely related to SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Covid-19.

Raccoon dogs and mink were identified as carrying the highest number of potentially dangerous viruses, making them key species of concern. According to the study, these species harbor viruses that are particularly high-risk for crossing species barriers, which could lead to human infections. “The intensive breeding environment of farmed animals serves as a possible bridge for virus spillover,” the researchers stated.

The global fur trade is a multi-billion-dollar industry, with China being the dominant player, accounting for over 80% of the world’s fur production. In 2021, China produced pelts from an estimated 27 million animals, most of which were turned into luxury garments. The northeastern Chinese province of Shandong, home to many fur farms, was identified as a region with a particularly high concentration of high-risk viruses.

Wildlife Trade and Virus Origins

The study's findings draw attention to the broader issue of virus transmission linked to the wildlife trade. Many scientists believe that the Covid-19 pandemic originated from the wildlife trade, with bats being the likely source of the virus. Holmes shared his thoughts on this connection, saying, "I strongly believe that the wildlife trade was responsible for the emergence of SARS-CoV-2." He further suggested that the fur farming industry, closely relate ..

While the exact origins of Covid-19 are still under investigation, some of the earliest human cases were linked to wet markets in Wuhan, where live animals, including raccoon dogs, were sold. These animals have been implicated in past outbreaks, with fur animals such as foxes, civets, and minks being identified as potential hosts for viruses like the original SARS coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2. The research suggests that the interaction between humans, farmed animals, and wild animals on fur farms.

Urgent Need for Global Action

As fur farming continues to thrive, particularly in Asia, scientists are calling for stronger regulations and improved surveillance systems to prevent future pandemics. The study’s authors recommend increased monitoring of virus activity in farmed fur animals, particularly those found to carry high-risk viruses. Holmes and other experts believe that without proactive measures, fur farms could be the source of the next global outbreak.




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